What is an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database

What is an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database?

Oracle’s Autonomous Transaction Processing (vCenter HA) offers a transformative approach to database management. Designed to be self-driving, self-securing, and self-repairing, this service ensures databases can instantly adapt to the demands of transaction processing and mixed workload applications. Users can choose between a Serverless infrastructure for elastic and simplified deployment or a Dedicated infrastructure for enhanced security and governance. This groundbreaking system not only promises high availability and unparalleled performance but also guarantees reduced costs. By integrating advanced features and a multi-layered security approach, the Oracle ATP ensures an efficient and secure database environment, making it an optimal choice for organizations aiming for technological excellence.



In a tumultuous year defined by a global pandemic, 2020 saw a seismic shift in technology trends. From the rapid rise of remote work to an intensified focus on digital channels, the digital transformation was accelerated in unprecedented ways. As the VS Group forged ahead with innovative solutions, the landscape of Healthcare IT, Digital Commerce, and Cybersecurity evolved dramatically. As we transition into 2021, emerging technologies like AI, Big Data Analytics, and Automation are set to shape the future. Join Sadeepa Palliyaguru, Director and Chief Innovation Officer of VS ONE, as he reflects on the past year and offers insights into what the future holds.